Saturday, 29 September 2007

My week

Well, it's been an odd week, my two-foot abandoned me as she had to go on "placement" whatever that means. She left her parents to look after me though and I've trained them very well in her absence - lots of treats! They did try and sneak my medicine in by putting it on my broccoli, but I worked out what they were doing after a couple of days with that, but they said that it didn't matter as I'd finished the course by then.

They took me for a trip to the vets on Wednesday, who continued with the looking at my bottom obsession! He said he could see where I'd been biting it, but that it was healing well and it should be absolutely fine. He also said that all the staff had been very upset about my brother Flip dying during his operation, as they carry out that operation on rabbits on an almost daily basis and that it is very rare for the rabbit to die during it. That made us all feel a bit better.

My two-foot came back on Thursday night - I was quite pleased to see her and let her stroke my nose without running away. Apparently she's going to try and find me a girlfriend! She has emailed a pet rescue nearby and they haven't got anyone that I'll get on with at the moment, but there's a woman who lives the other side of town who's got a couple of girl bunnies that I might like, so she's arranged to go and see them tomorrow. She says that if none of them are suitable then she'll put a lonely heart ad up on a rabbit forum for me, so I've done a bit of posing today to show off for an ad.

My bachelor pad/potential love nest (although I have just got a new cover for the front of it to keep it snug in the winter which arrived yesterday so it'll look a bit classier with that on rather than my temporary one).

Demonstrating how friendly I am ( I must be maturing I seem to be getting a tufty moustache!)

Showing how gorgeous I am - all the ladies will love me!

Saturday, 22 September 2007


Yet another day of them trying to look at my bottom... I wasn't chewing my wound honest - I was just having a wash!
I've been spending the day relaxing in my run - I like sitting up on the roof of my hideaway, who wants to be inside on a day like this. Right I've done enough posing for you. I'm gorgeous - now where are the treats?

Friday, 21 September 2007

Day Two

A whole day without a trip to the vets! The two-foots do seem obsessed with picking me up and checking my bottom though. I keep trying to keep my legs crossed when they turn me on my back, but one of them strokes my nose whilst the other has a poke about "down there". They syringe fed me my antibiotics tonight. The vet told them that there's a convenient gap between rabbits front and back teeth that you can poke the syringe into but I did my best to hide it from them. As you can tell, I'm not that impressed with the whole thing, even if they do give me comfy vetbed to sleep on.

The two-foots seem to think I've taken out a few more stitches overnight, but they don't seem that worried about it really. They let me out in the run today and put a box of hay in it for me to eat. I do like the amount of fussing and extra treats I'm getting though.

Thursday, 20 September 2007

Day One

Okay, so it's not really day one. In fact it's a few days since I was taken to the vets with my brother Flip. Apparently we were due to have "our bits off" whatever that meant. I came home from the vets in a cage on my own, I was a bit woozy but they put me in a small cage indoors and put my brother Flip in with me for a few minutes. It smelt like Flip but I knew it wasn't really him, so I was more interested in having something to eat. My two-foot was very sad and said that Flip hadn't survived his operation, but that he would be buried next to our hutch so we'd still be close to each other.

I got another trip to the vets tonight - apparently I wasn't being helpful by removing my stitches! The vet said I'd done a very good job of it, but I'd made myself a bit sore so they'd give me something to help ease the swelling (which meant sticking a needle in my neck) and some antibiotics to stop it getting infected. I wasn't impressed when the vet tried to syringe the antibiotics into my mouth and tried to escape over her shoulder. Didn't quite manage it though. She said that if I play up and won't take my medicine then they can mix it with Ribena (so I might try that).

The vet let me come home though and when my two foot came out to check on me before going to bed, she found that I'd been trying to pull out the deeper stitches. She didn't seem very impressed and has put me in the small indoor cage overnight again. I have been given lots of things to nibble though, but I'm not sure that they're as tasty as my stitches...